If the player has the Magic Lantern light pet, the Lost Girl will sparkle, suggesting to the player that she is treasure (which is false).

This makes her suspicious even for a first-time encounter. In Expert Mode and Master Mode, the Lost Girl has respectively twice and thrice the health of a normal friendly NPC.Players encountering a Lost Girl for the first time in Classic Mode may confuse the Nymph for a town NPC in need of saving, due to having 250 health and appearing naked, making her look more vulnerable.For this reason, it is best to search for Nymphs prior to Hardmode to make obtaining the Metal Detector easier. This is because in Hardmode, despite the spawn rate for enemies becoming greater, the variety of enemies that can spawn makes it far less likely for the Nymph to be selected. Nymphs spawn less frequently during Hardmode.The Hunter Potion will also reveal the Lost Girl to be an enemy as it highlights her red, not green. A Hunter Potion, Lifeform Analyzer, or both can be useful for finding Lost Girls.Even with her high health, the Harpoon can kill a Nymph in moments with no risk to the wielder, due to its extremely high rate of fire, so long as it is used at short range. Viable options include the Harpoon, flails, boomerangs, yoyos, or the Terragrim / Arkhalis. The Nymph moves quite fast, and therefore, weapons that can stun-lock her are effective.Staying out of reach and using a ranged weapon will allow dispatching her safely. While she moves fast and has high contact damage, the Nymph cannot attack from a distance, nor can she jump very high.